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  • Writer's pictureEeyore

Black Jack & Crystal

Just before Christmas the Happy Herd of Beechwood horses (and donkey) were infiltrated by some newcomers.

It seems these two lovebirds – Black Jack and Crystal have come to stay. As if we need any more horses to share our scrumptiousgrazing and big shady trees.

Black Jack and Crystal have informed me (from a distance, as I made my feelings quite clear that they should have stayed in the New Forest) that not only do they allow people to ride them, they also brought their own carriage with them and take people out for picnics and things!

HWTH is on light duties following a hospital stay to repair the‘bad back’ so she hasn’t taken them out in the carriage yet.

Hmmph! We’ll see. I too can pull a carriage as those of you who keep up with the Beechwood news will remember my last outing when I practised my acceleration from 0-60 mph. Impressive, eh?! And ‘accidentally’ ended up with the carriage stuck in the fence.

So, I waited with baited breath when Black Jack and Crystal were finally harnessed up and set off for their first drive from Beechwood.

It seems that the outing was successful as there were plenty of carrots floating about – needless to say, none reached me!

I chuckled to myself when I heard Black Jack remark to the other horses that the uphill track was a real challenge.

I have avoided the inconvenience of pulling the carriage up the track as when they tried to take me down the hill, I just plantedmy legs and REFUSED to move. It was so funny as HWTH and co had to take me out of the carriage and the humans had to pull it back home while I walked (with a swagger) back. Can’t wait for them to try again.


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