Apologies to all blog followers for such a long break in my missives.
I have been very busy being a nanny and Good Companion to Beechwood’s latest addition. Loki arrived in January- looking a bit lost and forlorn, just like a new boy at school. He confided in me that he had once been a racehorse but I took that comment with a pinch of salt! I have, after all, heard so many tales from horses (and hoomans!) who often don’t realise I have Royal connections, don’t you know.
Loki made a bit of a name for himself by jumping the boundary fence into the neighbour’s field (never been done before). He was returned immediately by said neighbours who expressed relief that ‘their stallion’ wasn’t out at the time, although I doubt that Loki would have posed a threat to any horse or hooman. They also pointedly remarked that the rope they had clipped onto his headcollar belonged to them. An obvious comment as he could hardly have put the rope on himself.
So, I decided he needed ‘Special’ looking after. I have tried to teach him to Eeeaaw - he is making good progress but as yet has not reached my very high standards. Continuous practice required.
The spring brought hot weather and ‘The Hoomans’ made the decision to give my long shaggy luxuriant coat a COMPLETE FULL CLIP!
I have to say I was very brave and flinched not once as my carefully grown hair fell to the floor.
HWTH was speechless (unheard of). However, when her dulcet tones returned, she expressed delight and surprised at how extremely handsome I looked. She can’t pass me without a quick caress of my velvety coat and a few complimentary words. I have to say, it is a long time coming but welcome nevertheless.
My new title is Loki’s Extremely Handsome Companion (and Carer).