The ‘Hoomans’ are very odd and recently, obviously lost the plot! I have been surreptitiously watching them over the last few weeks, They are collecting poo with great enthusiasm. Horse poo excites them beyond belief; collecting from the stables with shrill notifications ‘there’s one in Biro’s!’
Lovingly forked out and collected in a big pile – also collecting from the fields with shouts of ‘we have picked 6 wheelbarrows full and there is lots more’. Anyone would think they were picking succulent fruit or loads of carrots. I think it may be used as a gift to the God of Poo.
HWTH accompanied me on a walk the other day and I espied Hoomans (not our own Hoomans) but other Hoomans, collecting little poos, putting them in pretty coloured bags and carefully hanging the bags in the trees and hedges - definitely gifts for the God of Poo.
I am now on a mission to discover more information about this illusive deity. If you know more, LET ME KNOW.